On this week’s episode of Grease the Wheels, we apply the arc of the extremely popular show “Bar Rescue” to the automotive sector. Folks, this one would get ugly in a hurry. First off, there are a lot of people in management in the automotive sector that think everything is absolutely fine despite their businesses actively falling apart due to either neglect, poor decision making, poor personnel, or all of the above. Therefore, in their heads at least, their shop wouldn’t need to be rescued. However with open job positions drastically outweighing the amount of people actively seeking that employment for one reason or another- the writing is going to be on the wall sooner rather than later for companies that are struggling with staffing. So enter, “Shop Rescue” where we tell them what they need to do to get on track business wise, manufacture some drama, or some days you might not have to because the customers bring enough drama with them for an entire Netflix Series. Because let’s be real, who wouldn’t want to watch Uncle Jimmy scream at your service manager and underperforming service advisors for costing you money, and bad management for making your job more difficult than it has to be!
Also Uncle Jimmy throws Erik the Producer under the bus to set up next week’s episode!
This episode is distributed by The Wrenching Network. Whether you’re a technician, a mechanic, or someone who just loves the car scene, The Wrenching Network is a place that you have to check out. They have all sorts of great content, gear, and snacks to keep you turning wrenches in whatever capacity you do it. Also if you see us over there, make sure you say hi and leave a comment with what you think about the episode!