On this week’s Grease the Wheels, we see how many times Uncle Jimmy can say the phrase, “don’t be a dick!” This is another one of those infamous, extra-spicy, “weekday night” episodes compounded with the fact that he is fresh off vacation. So When Uncle Jimmy gets back to the shop and it is a s***show, he goes off a bit and threatens corporal punishment for people who leave wheel machines looking like a war-zone! In a solid rant about shop cleanliness, we talk about how the trick to finding a lost tool is to actually be looking for something else. On the “don’t be a dick” hierarchy, few moves are more treacherous than breaking tools and not owning up to it, or even worse, trying to hide it!
Speaking of breaking stuff, we also talk about how not to be a dick in a pick and pull, because that part that you just destroyed might have come in handy in the future. We even go into some semiotic analysis of the language you use causing people to think you’re a dick even if you’re not. Unless of course you’re a serial complainer in which case you probably are in fact a dick. The moral of the episode is, pretty obviously at this point, “don’t be a dick”, help people out when they need it because sometimes an extra set of hands makes a huge difference. So being willing and able to help is a major thing that will make people think that you are not a dick, even if you are to an extent.
Also Uncle Jimmy talks hazmat cocktails and still being salty about the February Ice Storm. Also we ask the really important question: How great would it be if you could tell customers to not be a dick?
This episode is distributed by The Wrenching Network. Whether you’re a technician, a mechanic, or someone who just loves the car scene, The Wrenching Network is a place that you have to check out. They have all sorts of great content, gear, and snacks to keep you turning wrenches in whatever capacity you do it. Also if you see us over there, make sure you say hi and leave a comment with what you think about the episode!