Episode 39: Reputation

In an industry such as ours, reputation is almost everything. Your ability and attitude from the first day you roll into a shop determines your reputation, and it really is entirely up to you to foster. The goldilocks zone for your reputation is being a decent human being who can fix cars well. The worst case is being an asshole that can’t fix a sandwich. The grey areas are being a good tech that is an asshole, and a nice guy who isn’t a good tech. Additionally, your reputation as a technician can be determined by the quality of the technicians around you- if a shop has bad technicians, the shop becomes a sub-par shop. As we have seen countless times, shops hiring bad technicians to replace good ones is the fastest way for that shop to grenade their reputation. This is because of the simple fact that no one operates in a vacuum anymore, as customers will check reviews of shops before taking their cars to them. With the high turnover rates of some shops, your reputation can spread a lot further than you might want it to, and might be a major asset when it comes time to Grease the Wheels.

Also Uncle Jimmy talks about getting cockblocked by Manny, Moe and Jack.