Episode 48: Chaos

On this week’s episode of GTW, we are talking that lovely universal force that binds us all together: chaos. No matter where you sit in the automotive world, you are guaranteed some measurable amount of chaos. Often times it is driven by people who don’t know any better. Sometimes it comes down to the unknable roll of the dice that comes with not knowing what is going to roll or get flat bedded into your shop that day. Sometimes it comes in the form of a vague or cryptic repair order. Either way, this knowing that there is the unknown factors in to making our jobs some of the most chaotic on earth. Additionally, we see that competent help and having a staff of people that solve problems instead of making them are some of the easiest ways to lower the amount of chaos in our day to day lives.

Also, Uncle Jimmy Pipe dreams about everyone in your building doing their job exactly how they are supposed to and gives a Cliffnotes review of Hogan’s Heroes.