Episode 73: Wrong

Let’s just call it straight out, we’re wrong a lot. We’re wrong so often that we don’t even know how we get it right sometimes. First big thing that we’ve been wrong about is that a lot of techs make over 100k a year. A lot of these guys are in California though, so the cost of living is so insane that it doesn’t really count. The next thing that we’ve been wrong about is our stance on service managers and advisors. We really should give new ones the benefit of the doubt, and their job is very difficult because of the inconsistencies with the customer base. One minute they’re dealing with the best customer in the world, and the next they’re getting stonewalled or screamed at by a complete belligerent. Sometimes we ourselves need to be taken to task because our diagnosis is wrong. It happens, and there’s really nothing that we can do about it except for taking the time to get it right. Finally, we shouldn’t automatically assume that our customers concerns are wrong. Sometimes they tell us things that are wrong with their car that don’t even seem physically possible, yet we go for a ride with them and sure enough, they’re right!

Also, Uncle Jimmy goes over some unwanted details about his conception right on the top of the show.

This episode was made possible by our listeners, the members of the Grease the Wheels Nation. It was also made possible by donations over at Patreon! We have plans and perks over there for everyone, from the new lot kid at $1/month for basic access to some of our exclusive content and our discord server, to our Master Tech program that gets you all sorts of awesome perks with some of our sponsors and killer swag. We love you all and you’re the reason we keep doing it!