Episode 62: Non Techs

On this Week’s episode of Grease the Wheels, we acknowledge that a lot of people who are not auto technicians listen to this podcast. In the spirit of this newfound information, we’re taking a few minutes to fill in the people who are not techs on what it’s like. First off, not everyone’s experiences are the same but there are a lot of things that most of us have in common. Most mechanics get their start as youngsters, taking stuff apart and sometimes putting them back together. This then goes to bikes, and as we get older, cars. Then our parents get on our asses to get jobs or go to school, so many of us end up going to some kind of technical school. From there we get thrown into shops to learn the rest. The one big thing here though is that almost no one gives a fuck about you. We also spend a ton of time on our feet and throwing around very heavy car parts such as rims and tires, so bad backs are as common as the low pay. We also typically dress poorly and this causes a major image problem that people think we’re dumb. However, due to the incredible number of systems, physical properties, and manual dexterity that this job requires, very few of us actually are. However, none of us are perfect so comebacks happen to all of us.

Also, Uncle Jimmy gives a review of all of the fluids in a car based on smell.

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